Toronto English Tutor Locations (home tutoring upon request). CONTACT US
Downtown Tutor Location
University of Toronto Roberts Library (view Google Map)
130 St. George St.
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A5
Located on the University of Toronto Campus at the corner of St George and Harbord Street on the North West side of St George.
Midtown Tutor Location
Toronto Reference Library (view Google Map)
789 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M4W 2G8
Located in the Toronto Reference Library branch. The Reference Library is located at the corner of Yonge Street and Asquith Ave on the North East side of Yonge Street. One block North of Yonge and Bloor.
Uptown Tutor Location
Toronto Public Library Wychwood Branch (view Google Map)
1431 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON
M5R 3J2
Located in the Toronto Public Library Wychwood branch. Wychwood Library is located at the corner of Bathurst Street and Melgund Road on the North East side of Bathurst Street. One block South of St Claire and Bathurst.